Out of Memory File Missing Unrecognized Error Microsoft WorksWizards MDIClient MSWorksDoc A x ' I k !7!Y!{! "%"G"h" #.#O#p# $6$W$x$ %>%_% &#&C&c& '#'C'c' (#(B(a( ):)Y)x) *2*Q*p* +(+F+d+ ,6,T,r, -#-@-]-y- .!.=.Y.u. /8/S/n/ 0+0F0a0{0 111K1e1 2.2F2^2v2 323I3`3w3 4'4=4R4g4|4 5!555I5]5q5 6)6;6M6_6p6 7+7<7M7]7m7}7 8(878F8U8d8s8 9-9;9I9W9e9s9 :,:9:F:S:`:m:y: ;!;-;9;E;Q;\;g;r;}; <"<-<8%>.>7>@>I>R>[>d>m>v> ?&?.?6?>?F?N?V?^?f?n?v?~? @&@.@6@>@F@N@V@^@f@n@v@~@ A#A*A1A8A?AFAMATA[AbAiApAwA~A B&B-B4B;BBBIBPBWB^BeBlBsBzB C"C)C0C7C>CECLCSCZCaChCoCvC}C D#D)D/D5D;DADGDMDSDYD_DeDkDqDwD}D E%E+E1E7E=ECEIEOEUE[EaEgEmEsEyE F!F'F-F3F9F?FEFKFQFWF]FcFiFoFuF{F G"G'G,G1G6G;G@GEGJGOGTGYG^GcGhGmGrGwG|G H!H&H+H0H5H:H?HDHIHNHSHXH]HbHgHlHqHvH{H I!I%I)I-I1I5I9I=IAIEIIIMIQIUIYI]IaIeIiImIqIuIyI}I J!J%J)J-J1J5J9J=JAJEJIJMJQJUJYJ]JaJeJiJmJqJtJwJzJ}J KTip: If you want to change the categories you have selected,You are running out of memory. You have too many documentsexit the WorksWizard, type the greeting in your letter,There is a problem that the WorksWizard can't identify.Tip: If there isn't already a greeting in your letter,documents or applications you were not using, and thenthen try printing a file. If the file prints, restartFor a list of all WorksWizard field names, open theYou tried to save a document, and the disk is full.and you want a greeting other than "Dear," you mustChoosing the Back button and look in a different ddelete unnecessary documents, and then restart theIf you want to create your address book in Works,choose the Back button now, or you can change thenames and a list of all WorksWizard field names,For more information on how to change the fieldkeep track of work information, birthdays, anddocument named XXX.WPS in the directory whereBefore you use the Mailing Labels WorksWizard,These categories, or fields, are automaticallyTo confirm your choice, click the Next button,Next the WorksWizards will insert the DatabaseClick the button next to your answer, or pressFor more information, choose the Hint button.If you want to read information about anotherWhen you see the file you want in the list ofIf you're not sure, exit the WorksWizard, andinformation such as addresses, phone numbers,<>, <> <>The kinds of categories you can include are:When you are ready to add the fields, chooseis open, choose Yes and see if it is visibleChoose this option to keep track of members'Confirm that the field you want is selected,information such as whether you sent a thankYou didn't type the letter, word, or numberIf you are planning to print on letterhead,To see if your address book is in the list,include information such as date joined andTo learn how to use this WorksWizard, clicksuch as a street address and a post officeon the Window menu, if it isn't choose theTip: If a business has a two-line address,and fax numbers. You can also include homeChoose any additional categories you wouldTo create an address book with the AddressTo delete this query and start a differentNow you will return to the list of optionsIf these aren't your current field names,information, and other contacts such as aThe WorksWizard will print only the firstaddresses and phone numbers. You can alsoIf you want to change the location of theTo continue using this WorksWizard, clickBooks WorksWizard, choose the Exit buttonthe layout and alignment of your labels.If you aren't sure whether your databasethe file you want to use is in the list.below, and then choose the Address BooksChoose this option to keep track of homeTo choose or clear a category, press theclick No, or press 1. If you are unsure,Choose this option to keep track of workThe following categories, or fields, arethe Hint button or hold down the ALT keythe Next button or hold down the ALT keyTip: If someone has a two-line address,Check to be sure that there is a floppyTo go on, choose the Next button below.specific category. For example, you canWait until the document is no longer inthe Exit button below, change the fieldHighlight the field and choose the NextNone of the records in the address bookAddress Books WorksWizard to create oneFor example, you can select all recordsThe drive you selected is unavailable.specify which parts of the address youwith only the address and phone numberChoose this option if the address bookThe document is saved in the directoryTo choose the field you want to query:open or too many applications running.use the arrow keys or click the scrollopen the document named XXX.WPS in theTo delete text, highlight the text youcreated the form letter, use the WorksBack button and then WorksWizards willis set in inches or centimeters, so itChoose this option to find out how toChoose this option if you are mailingChoose this option if the country youChoose the additional fields you wantthe box or press the number or letteryou like. To clear a check box, clicklike to include in your address book.WorksWizard to create an address bookFirst, click the button, or press theWorksWizard will insert the necessaryonly specific addresses to print. Forchoose or clear a category, press theYou tried to type a query instructionexisting database with a WorksWizard.If you know the document is not open,Microsoft Windows measurement settinginstructions, choose the Hint button.you want the WorksWizards to help youand then start the WorksWizard again.the records in your address book by amay need to wait until another personautomatically printed when you printyour typing. If you delete the querythe opening of the file by trying toPlease try opening another document.this document so that you can use itfiles, choose the Next button below.you want to search for, and then theexample, only Los Angeles addresses.You will type in the text or numbersUse the two-letter abbreviations forwhere you can save your document, orIf the document is not listed in theAfter you've made your choice, clickIf you do not need this information,or press M to see a list of all theyou need to create an address book.states and provinces to save space.1. Press Shift + F3 to open DotViewWorks doesn't recognize or that mayPress the letter of the drive whereWorksWizard select the records thatuse from the list of open documentsChoose the Query button to have thea valid port in the Printers dialogalready highlighted, choose it now.click the Next button, or hold downIf a field is not in your database,the WorksWizard was trying to carryI am pleased to inform you that youquery, choose the Cancel button. ToThat's all the categories. Next thecategories you previously selected.you want to use is not in the listMore Windows dialog box, it is notdocument. You may have interruptedhow to use this dialog box to openIf it is, choose option 1. If not,Choose the Exit button to quit thechanges you made since last savingcontinue and work with the recordsinformation for children's groups.dialog box but for now, follow theClick the box, or press the numberThe document that you want to openclick the Insert Fields button, orThe WorksWizard knows whether yourTo exit the WorksWizard, click theYou are opening a document that isYou tried to open a Works documentsecretary's name and phone number.do you want the address to appear?printed from a Windows applicationopen in Works and has been changedChoose this option if the documentWhen you are ready to go on, clickIf you use Works on a network, youThe records in your database havethe Next button, or hold down theThe next time you want to use themistake, use BACKSPACE to correctExit button, or hold down the ALTclick the Print Labels button, orsort your address book records byWorksWizard, fix the problem, andspacing box blank, or you typed aclick the left mouse button once.If you have a backup copy of thisThis box is to contain additionalTry typing the measurement again.use a mailing labels document youor if you don't know whether yourUse address abbreviations such asWorksWizards to help you find it.the document will be lost. ChooseNext, the WorksWizard will insertdirectory where Works is located.is corrupted and can no longer beYou tried to open a document thatYou can choose as many options ascheck box, click the box or pressinformation about a topic or sub-hold down the ALT key and press NMove the mouse pointer or use thelist, choose the Hint button, andchoose the Hint button, and thentopic. Very small graphic couldWhen you are ready to create thechoose the addresses you want toname, then choose the OK button.the Exit button below. Make sureIf you choose the OK button, thefrom another directory, but thatthe following required field(s).Do you want the entry to come beor letter next to the option youisn't necessary to type that in.Choose this option if you want tUse the DOWN arrow key to see ifRemove the protection tab on theThis can happen by pressing ESC.To go on, click the Next button,instructions and then choose theuse from the Window menu above,Works could not open the entireclick the Print Test button, orIs your printer ready to print?If the directory you want isn'tthe Insert Fields button below.click the Query button, or holdUse the arrow keys to highlightWorks couldn't find or that wasoptions as you like. To clear acloses the document you want tochoose Yes to continue. To openchoose "Finding your document."Choose the document you want toAfter you've made your choices,document has the same name as ayour printer is ready, and thenPlease try opening the documentprocessor document. Please pickthe number next to your answer.arrow keys to move to the placehold down the ALT key, and thenmay have been saved in a formatLkkadjgk LKJKJK LKJKLJ fgjsakdYou cancelled the command thata file with the extension WPS.Next button in the WorksWizardthe ALT key, and then press N.You could use this part of themeasurement too large for yourprinter is turned on and setupkeys to move the cursor to theYou need to choose a database.where you want the WorksWizardIf the database you want isn'tDo you want the WorksWizard toclick the Next button, or holdprinted on your mailing labelsType the number. If you make aAVE for Avenue to save space.or hold down the ALT key, andTry opening another document.want to delete and press DEL.again the next time you printWhen you are ready to go on,open. Choose the BACK buttonshown, choose the OK button.is in the list of databases.Type the text. If you make awant. You can choose as manyDo you want to add any othercan print from other WindowsPlease choose another drive.choose the document from theinclude in your address bookdocument, look for it there.Dear <><<Last Name>>,<<First Name>> <<Last Name>>match your query instructionThere is a printing problem.be protected by a password.created with a WorksWizard.If the drive you want isn't<<First Name>><<Last Name>>number next to your answer.Please pick a file with thehelp you open the database.Pick one with the extensionand choose the Next button.databases, and you want thethe number or letter again.If you opened the file fromarrows to scroll the list.down the ALT key, and thenuse the field names shown.Type a different filename.If the file doesn't print,Cancel to end the command.would you like to do next?choose a database. PleaseALT key, and then press N.Choose the field you want.twice, and then try again.Use the UP and DOWN arrowthen choose "Finding yourdocument, try opening it.You need to choose a wordALT key and then press N.Choose this option if youdown the ALT key and thenspreadsheet. You need torestart the WorksWizard.place where you want thefields into your letter.to move the highlight tohave the right fields inIf the document you wantThe file you chose is aPress the number of thenumber or click the boxnot have a field named:First, type the number.WorksWizard to help youlabels across the page.to center the address.return to this listLos Angeles, CA 911031click Yes, or press 2.WinWorks-(Address.WPS)already open in Works.Double-click the name.document that is open.Test Print: Prints twoChoose this option ifWorksWizard to insertChoose OK to continueIn the File Name listfjkald jfkajdkjfk3wkjrows of sample labelsPlease wait a moment.Mrs. Karen G. Swaggersince you opened it.The WorksWizard will<<City>><<State/ProvALT key and press N.Exit the WorksWizardAfter you completeMeasure the distanceuse on the network.other fields are inquery instructions.selected , you willNew York, NY 10001each task you'veProcessor documentoption, choose it.<<State/Province>>4. Press Spacebar.box, choose optionyour address book?Choose the categormatch your query.Would you like toSort by Last Namechoose Task List.One Minute PleasePlease try again.3. Close Dot Viewis inserting yourIf you can't findThe Kitchen Store2. Choose Manual,Calle Palma No. 2Works for WindowsWorks is located.La Villa, Mexicooutside a field.In a letter, theHow far from theUse this list toClick the field.is almost ready.choose option 2.instruction box.Word Processor.the WorksWizardchecking to seeClick the name.789 Meander Waycurrently open?you want to useaddress fields.Dear Mr. RourkeThe WorksWizardopen documents.an address book<<Title>><<Lastis in the list.jfkajdkjfk3wkjWelcome to theDo you want toKatie J. Smithyour document.extension WDB.Small Size BoxMamushka, Inc.You'll need towant to print.it is located.the field nameState/Provinceautomatically.your database.167 Beach Lanemailing labelsPedro ParedesYou need to sType the textin the field.the document.instructions.button below.automaticallyUnited Stateslists all theaddress book.To change thefloat on top.key and pressthen press N.abbreviationsWorksWizardsWorksWizard.WorksWizardsunavailable.You tried toWorksWizard,Window menu.and press N.Displays theThe documentinformation,Mandal Woodsof options.slkflkfd jgkcentimeters,Name>><<Lasthighlighted,and press T.is different<<Address>>to display.To choose aPostal CodePuerto Ricomeasurementunnecessarypunctuationmailing to?informationWorksWizardinformationWorksWizardin Windows.placeholderclick the SIf you haveinformationLos AngelesYou're doneinstructionYou can nowinstructionNew ZealandapplicationRELEASE 4.0WorksWizardinterruptedSalva RuggsSalutationReduce thethe range.horizontalprotectionlast name.Check Listpage size.categoriesdatabases.categoriessalutationMr. Rourkebirthdays,letterheadtwo-letterYou could:children'sadditionalFirst Namedialog boxFort WorthWalkon InnHorizontalchoose thedocument."the field.You typednecessaryidentify.highlightalignmentProcessorBACKSPACEcancelledProcessorselected,database.protecteda networkpassword.document,Sao Paulodirectorycorruptedyou note.left-sideyou want.and printdirectorydifferentaddressesfollowingaddressesextensioninsertingselected.Gtr.Londodocument.After you(7/23/91)recognizeLast NameSpacebar.documentsChoose thquestionspress P.oooops!!planningBlvarciainitial.choosingNext youto printtwo-linebusinessVerticaloptions.<<PostalSaoPaulopress N.completenumbers.P.O. BoxU.S.S.R.contactslocated.continueSan JuancontinuerequiredEuropeanlocationprovinceanythingspecificTo printAllisterDatabaseoriginalpreviouspress S.categorydatabaseNew Yorkpress Q.pressingAlbatrosfrom thegreetingstandardfind it.deletingfilename"Findingexistingexample,example,enteringprintingdocumentdocumentdocumentdistancedisplaybutton,betweenbutton.answer.changesanotherand thealreadyaddressaddressZealandYou cantoday'schoice,choicesXXX.WPSWindowsdoesn'ttyping.unsure,SwaggerStaplesSpacingSort bySeattleearlierSanchezPrinterParedesenteredcommandusuallyentriesvisibleconfirmMeanderconnectconsultManagerwant tocontainMailingMacPheeKitchenfgjsakdKatrinawhetherAddressEnriquefields,fields.EnglandDotViewcorrectDaSilvaControldeletedcountryAddressChapterCasparycurrentdefaultCaracasAntillasuggestAngelesproblemsomeonelabels.labels:graphicletter,letter.lettersprintersettingprintermailinghaven'tmembersprintedprintedpointermemory.specifypeople.optionsspecifimoment.openingrecordsnumbersrunningnetworkrestartreplacenumber,includenumber.deleteincludinformcursordependcreateinchesin thecommondialogin thedidn'teitherinsertchoosechooseentirechangecenterfield.buttonfieldsfinishhappengroupsblank,below.floppybeforebackupfollowformataren'tappearanswerand rejoinedspace.sourcealmostsortedagain.again,streetprintsadjustacross"Guidelabels162anelabels1900ayprint?print.shown.<<LastlayoutAmperstryingAvenuelengthshorteletteryou'vepleaseyou'reyou'llCancelpersonperiodturnedWindowChangeVilla,Chart.listedtypinglocateUser'sUnitedChooseType aselectChooseCode>>StatesSophiesearchCreateDublinscrollRourkeFieldsQuebecPrintsFranceGarciasavingmiddleoptionGermansampleoptionopenedIf youPostalPleaseIf youIf youIf youInsertnames,Panel.LKJKJKLKJKLJreturnName>>query.MinuteMiguelLabelsLetterreducenumberMexicoon theLondonofficeManualMcPheedisk.creatcountMckaydon'tcouldnote.closeclickOlsenIs thParisnamesnamedname.open,open.clearPressdrivemousechosePrintelectcheckcan'tFormaQueryDuranSetuporderShiftotherTo seClosebook?longelist.page.list,Celisenterlike.Worksphonebook:placebook.WorksBlankbook,errorBeachbelowpressWorthlearnabout911039110190034printlargearrowhelpsisn'tabovefieldfile.10017firstlabelafter"Deartherethankstartyou'dthesequerywouldtitletrackqueryword,triedrangesmallreadysetupwhichuntilusingsavedwherewant.nextneedroomnamemustmovesamemoresavenot,menunow,manymakenow.madelooklistlinesendsentlikeoncelessleftlastknowsizekindreadsomekeyssortkey,quitkeepjustonlyintoopenhomeholdhelphavepagepickhardfromsuchfourformsuretextthanportthatpostzerofindfile-or-exiteachdowndoesdisk1000datecopy14682134yourBackbox.box,Bookbookbeenare:CityCodethenD.F.DOWNDearExitFilethisalsotimetipsHintworkwordto iwithJuanwithwillKaneLaneLastYorkwhenwhatListMakeWordWhenMoreWhatNametypeViewwantwaitTypeThisNextSortThisThenTaskTheTABuseusemayNowseeUSAUseWDBtwoYesnewtrywaskeyit.nottoptooYouon,to?to:YouYouaddoneallouthowyouForhastheandandanytheareparBoxboxboxbutALTcancomthefaxfor Microsoft Works Microsoft Works Microsoft Works *r decimal se >ator is thing a decimal point or a Ema. accept 100.00 or 100,00 decimal se >ator to a decimal point or a International E&xit DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDLDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDLDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDLlllDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDF DDDDDDDDDDDLllldDDD DDDDDDDDDDDF DDDDDDDDDDDLllldDDD DDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD dDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD dDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD lllldDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD llllDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD lllDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD lldDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD lldDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD lldDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DldDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDD DDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDD DDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDL DDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDD 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HFIELDS.WPS Jose Ezra d in a HFIELDS.WPS where , chooose From pSettings. Choose a your Also orientation is set to Portra Try documentation may documentation.e sheet 8paper 5norm &Next &Back E&xit Hin&t 1 Yes 2 No 3 Not sure &3 I haven't created an address book. )2 I created my address book with Works. Last Name Address First Name ( 11 I created my address book with a WorksWizard. jFirst 5decide s it &Next &Back E&xit Hin&t 5prep alized Prep =s a with that Adds a addresses Jose Ezra d in a is set up HFIELDS.WPS <ing HFIELDS.WPS where &Next &Back E&xit Hin&t 11 I created my address book with a WorksWizard. &3 I haven't created an address book. Last Name Address First Name ( )2 I created my address book with Works. , or ARROWB 8under 8under CNo, or !, or 2 No &Next &Back E&xit Hin&t 1 Yes Cancel @n't f, or on an unavailable qENTER. as a 32,500 , or as a Drives it is Double- press ENTER. &Next &Back E&xit Hin&t 2 No Cancel 1 Yes Microsoft .WPS) vacation in Bermuda.1 convert a &Next &Back E&xit Hin&t 2 Use an existing document 1 Create a document &1 Change a letter into a form letter 2 Use an existing form letter , or sheet. 8under 8LABELSWP where d it to a , or Pback to where iit, run 8under CNo, or !, or &Next &Back E&xit Hin&t 1 Yes 2 No Cancel qENTER. where \e if Double- then qENTER. @n't f, or on an unavailable Drives &Next &Back E&xit Hin&t 2 No Cancel 1 Yes (s) in Or to Last First Address d since since be lost, &Next &Back E&xit Hin&t 2 No Cancel 1 Yes Last First AddressV (s). To d since since be lost, &Next &Back E&xit Hin&t 2 No Cancel 1 Yes Which North or S 3h Ameri ZA%to Great Britain, Irel 9, or Scotl above. Each to tell region of 8world to Belgium, Denmark, Finl 9, Italy, 9s,A#Norway, Portugal, Spain, or Sweden.8 above. according to iitems, al codes positions.: to a FCanadian Dietmar Todtenhofer Oberstaiger Weg 22 UlmB Deutschl Asian above. James Clark 82 Lincoln Blvd 2as, Texas 75201B *'ve 8state. Hstates in Hstates, 1, or &Next &Back E&xit Hin&t 2 Canada 5 Other 4 Venezuela 1 Japan 3 Mexico 3 Taiwan 2 South Korea 2 Europe 7 Other 6 Brazil 1 United States 1 North or South America 2 Germany 5 Argentina 4 Soviet Union 3 Australia or New Zealand 3 United Kingdom 4 Other 5 Hong Kong 7 Singapore 6 India 8 Other 2 No 1 Yes 4 Asia 1 France &Exit M. Vincent A. Beaune Directeur Hotel Nouveau 2, rue Pierre-Demoulin Place d'Armes 75017 Last Postal Address Last Address Postal address &Next &Back E&xit 3 Middle Initial Hin&t 4 Company 5 Country 6 Address2 2 Title 1 Position Insert &Fields 8Alt , birth as who 'es to.B &Next &Back E&xit Hin&t 1 Personal 2 Business 3 Organization/Club as a d in s of family categories toA &Next &Back E&xit Hin&t 1 Work Address 2 Work Address2 3 Work City 1 Middle Initial 5 Work Postal Code 7 Work Phone 1 Yes 2 No 8 Fax 1 Spouse 2 Children 3 Birthdays 4 Card Sent 6 Letter Sent 7 Thanks Sent 6 Work Country First Name Address State/Province Postal Code 2 Address2 3 Country Last Name 4 Phone 4 Work State/Province 5 Invitation Sent 8 RSVP? fields toA 8chance to a secretary's 2ed, Ements. d in 8basic &Next &Back E&xit Hin&t 1 Yes 2 No 8 Fax 1 Home Address 2 Home Address2 3 Home City 5 Home Postal Code 6 Home Phone 7 Spouse (1 Other Contact -- such as a secretary 2 Contact Phone 3 Last Called 4 Letter Sent 5 Important Dates First Name Address State/Province Postal Code Last Name 2 Middle Initial 3 Company 5 Address2 6 Country 7 Phone %4 Position -- such as Sales Manager 4 Home State/Province 1 Title -- such as Mr., or Ms. 6 RSVP? categories toA Hchildren do d in organization &Next &Back E&xit Hin&t 1 Yes 2 No 1 Dues Paid 2 Date Joined !3 Position -- such as Treasurer 4 Interests 1 Parent1 2 Parent2 3 Work Phone 4 Age 5 Birthday 6 School First Name Address State/Province Postal Code $7 School Year -- such as 5th Grade 2 Address2 3 Country Last Name 4 Phone 1 Middle Initial 5 RSVP? &Next &Back E&xit Hin&t Create &Address Book <ing <ing <ing enter specific order Form alized send to Works :" in Guide 1record at a ing" Guide Qa re 8way those !plan , here example, ed by a insert states 5s to quit 8way s best s on moving HFIELDS.WPS [things 9get &Next &Back E&xit Hin&t 2 No &2 No, I want to exit the WorksWizard '1 Yes, I want to save my address book 1 Yes q&Z@@" <ing data.D _ < 8 &Next &Back E&xit Hin&t q&Z@@" &Next &Back E&xit Hin&t 3 Include both 1 Include Address only 2 Include Salutation only `ies, or ], or exactly &Next &Back E&xit Hin&t A Title B First Name C Middle Initial D Last Name E Position F Company H Address2 G Address J State/Province K Postal Code L Country I City Insert &Fields DavidD 'll " in Which E, or Ema or a colon Ema or a colon. arrow where click 'll " in &Next &Back E&xit 1 Title and Last Name Hin&t 2 First Name Insert &Fields ,1 I want the WorksWizard to insert "Dear." 1 A comma 2 A colon 3 Neither *3 No, the letter already has a greeting. #2 I want to type my own greeting. rows of Microsoft .WPS)9 Note: After task &Next &Back E&xit Hin&t 4 Test print labels $2 Change the order of your records $3 Select specific records to print 5 Print all labels 1 Save this label document Last Name Zip Code Postal Code State/Pro Note: After >>, <<State/Prov.>><< Microsoft .WPS) &Next &Back E&xit Hin&t $3 Select specific records to print Last Name Zip Code Postal Code State/Pro $2 Change the order of your records 1 Save the letter _ < 8 -4 Exit the WorksWizard to print the letters q&Z@@" [re is an 9tell in charge of it is ing. ing A Ndoor Choose to go to OK to intact.A disk. eight megabytes. Pby removing ting or , or A by dividing up Copy Bboth G. of an Iof a \exists. , or is If n WorksWizard, to aA different Iis a maximum of 8 's no than eight long. remember Choose to go to OK to d, or Ndoor Nnow where &Next &Back E&xit Hin&t Cancel &Save by city. lState/ Province. al code. 60601 02101 02101A lCoun lComp Boston Chicago& by state/ &Next &Back E&xit Hin&t 1 Last Name 2 Postal Code 6 Country 5 Company Name 4 City State/Pro Country Company Last Name 3 State/Province Postal Code &Sort in a V"A" 9"M." 6except or a 8city is 9hides to get &Next &Back E&xit Hin&t (1 Yes, these are the addresses I want. !4 Do not match text or a number $4 No, display all of my addresses. Last Name Zip Code 3 Are within a range of values Postal Code 1 Match in a field (2 Are before or after text or a number '3 No, I want to start the query over. '2 Almost; I want to be more specific. like to match.@ a mistake, Confirm Check to error. &Next &Back E&xit Hin&t &jklmdndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndddd &Query Cancel 0123456789 -,.'()/ Confirm Check to error. a dollar sign in Hnow a percent sign in Hnow 8sis. treats twice Imatch Note: Ema or "decimal point every three 4n, A decimal points or Emas. Ema or decimal point every three &Next &Back E&xit Hin&t 1 Before a number 1 Text &jklmdndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndddd$1 Before a letter, word, or number 2 A number 2 After a number &Query Cancel 123456789012345678901234567890 %#2 After a letter, word, or number -,.'()/ 0123456789/- 0123456789/-. tween: range.< pecify decimal points or Emas. Ema or decimal point every three Confirm Check to error. a dollar sign in Hnow a percent sign in Hnow pecify 8sis. treats Imatch Note: Ema or "decimal point every three 4n, A &Next &Back E&xit Hin&t 2 Two numbers &jklmdndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndddd 1 Text &Query Cancel 012345678901234567890123456789 0123456789012345678901234567890 ()'jasdsadasdsadsdsfsadfasdfsfsdfsfsdfasdf 0123456789012345678901234567 -,.()/!012345678901234567890123456789/-. decimal points or Emas. Ema or decimal point every three Confirm Check to error. a dollar sign in Hnow a percent sign in Hnow 8sis. treats Imatch Note: Ema or "decimal point every three 4n, A &Next &Back E&xit Hin&t 2 A number &jklmdndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndddd &Query Cancel 0123456789012345678901234567890 0123456789 1 Text -,.'()/ 0123456789/-. &Next &Back E&xit Hin&t (edge of sheet do 6height of edge of sheet do Leave enough edge of sheets do Leave enough (edge of 6height of &Next &Back E&xit Hin&t C 1.5 cm D 2.0 cm F 5.0 cm E 3.5 cm F 2 inches E 1 and 1/2 inches B 1.0 cm C 3/4 inch B 1/2 inch D 1 inch A 1/2 inch E 1 inch F 1 and 1/2 inches +A 1/8 inch (this is the original setting) D 2.2 cm F 3.8 cm A 1.3 cm )B 1.6 cm (this is the original setting) D 1/2 inch +A 1/4 inch (this is the original setting) +B 5/8 inch (this is the original setting) C 1.9 cm E 3/4 inch F 1 inch C 3/8 inch B 1/4 inch B 0.6 cm E 2.6 cm )A 0.3 cm (this is the original setting) C 0.9 cm E 1.9 cm F 2.5 cm D 1.3 cm *A 0.65 cm (this is the original setting) D 7/8 inch best describes 8way 34 CA test Settings s back. Robert Von Angus OwnerA de Fuca 2149 Dexter m, Washington 9+ fit onto 8way 8Test Ms Ozette J.. Brown 635 Park AVE @, NY 06565B Liesl Schwartz Service Repre ative +4111A 8vertical or spacing. Or, Hattached sheets, to repositionA 8sheets James R. Milroy 310 Alameda Del Rey , CA 93026A 9a F. Keller 35 Lemmon Ave. Washingt +DC 20002A 6attached sheets, fexpects to begin space , it's sheet positi )high or low Each advances sheet a amount 'll get a chance to to reposition sheets &Next &Back E&xit Hin&t 2 No 1 Yes 1 Off the label 3 The text is getting cut off Test &Print 1 Inches 2 Centimeters &Print Labels "2 On the wrong part of the label 4 Other text problems G %5 Blank labels or skipped addresses q&Z@@" =three LengthJ 9width. If sheet Width 8width sheets, if it Four side of side of To go amount, $Label five Number of 1Across Page , or no 4greater Label a decimal point, if an in unitA of To en 8majority of margin row of on attached sheets.A 'll =accurate, fewer ments ed. Try to 8amounts to 1hundredth of 8inch or cen ter ( Hexample 3.12''A or 4.66 cm).8 won't fit spacing, &Next &Back E&xit Hin&t Cancel 2 Labels on attached sheets G $1 Labels on a single page or sheet }s no re is no 82,050 characters 2ows. which 9Page Feed paper. Load 8paper OK to !over yed to 8wrong noccurred or ftries to determine n. If it message y. Correct Eputer is yed to a , even if exactly probably aligned d to Wait a moment $unable to a valid Pation Possible solutions Turning yed by Sing control panel s to using 8right that yion to printer. Making print or split &Next &Back E&xit Hin&t 2 No 1 Yes Cancel q&Z@@" 0or re ing on is a missing (Ms.) 9an extra ys to Tips Hchanging states 5s to still won't fit, ning ing fewer Ms Ozette J.. Brown 635 Park AVE @, NY 06565B row of on attached sheets. skipped probably even though ?match. the paper sheet. Note: "Note: Some won't . Try a sheet. as paper size 9orientation. match r. To settings, WorksWizard, choose Note: Printer er font, if possible. Word Microsoft Windows Guide. Shorten address 6a few address &Next &Back E&xit Hin&t &Next &Back E&xit Hin&t _ < 8 q&Z@@" HINTS Prompts *.wdb irectories:O 8bottom of @es. If a is greyed,A it is s of @es, prompting Pn an proceed to . To in a to go to =as of A Open fDB (*.wdb)- =s.wdb acctsrec.wdb inven #.wdbA (ics, ead Only# hint To go lLines ]is often putting to put at least to twelve lLines. 8OpenA is often >agraph of aTry putting to put tdirectories mTutorial on "Working A Checking Looking in a Looking in a ,Tip: Dbe on s or on servers. "Depending on step =on in or a !still {Search eBasics Quick Reference Card the exact FIELDS.WPS fer to 8FIELDS.WPS s on H FIELDS.WPS, 28 in Getting Started Microsoft .In step 8Open Existing procedure, FIELDS.WPS. 1 From =a couple of ways to h a single =ries. format to most of =ries mailing to. !'d prefer to print >ately. ing mail to addresses. A c:\ms >tA ms s.cbtr 8width of side to 8right side. 3 From Also sure orientation is set Note: Setup 4 From Cancel &Help &Next &Back &More &Close Hints 3 Using the Open dialog box 1 Using the WorksWizard 2 Finding your document 4 Restarting a WorksWizard Hin&t E&xit mind ing, *'ve . Do omni kelstar sal majoris kristin joris A muge rola orbi carol robin oris cassiopeia kathy kentski betsy nski jerry joris A cindy b52 doug orama A O,bartly EBUCBT tut supway mary borealis EBUTEST 8r cygnus sonja astral Isabelle nebuli quark alex martine dipper IWWTEST asteroid pam supernova lanzo &Next &Back E&xit Hin&t 2 No, don't save the changes. 1 Yes, exit now. 2 No, continue working. 1 Yes, save the changes. n a n Eputer is &Exit